MHRA, “Product Malta Under Severe Strain”

This past week has seen Balluta Bay turn green and power outages affecting multiple localities, directly impacting both our tourism sector and local residents. The general upkeep and cleanliness of product Malta is a continuing concern. Other areas of Product Malta have experienced significant strain, though not as acutely as the sea turning green and […]
1min 1493

MHRA Urges Authorities to Uphold Valletta’s High-End Vision in Public Space Usage

The Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association (MHRA) urges the relevant authorities to exercise greater discretion when granting permissions for events and commercial activities in public spaces. While these activities may be legitimate, their chosen venues can sometimes clash with the overall image of the area. Valletta, the capital city of Malta, has been widely agreed […]
2min 2419

Webinar “Tourism Strategies Towards Resilience”

The Commission expert group “Together for EU Tourism” (T4T), is hosting the “Tourism Strategies Towards Resilience” webinar. Date: 28 June 2024 Time: 10:00 – 12:00 (CET) Registration link: HERE This webinar aims to raise awareness around two key elements of tourism strategy which are of increasing importance in a European context: How to improve social sustainability strategies for tourism at […]
2min 1526

The Malta Business Bureau announces new President Raphael Aloisio

Raphael Aloisio, announced as the new president of the Malta Business Bureau Mr. Aloisio is a Certified Public Accountant and Auditor with a substantial career spanning over 43 years in public practice. He joined Deloitte in 1987 and was appointed as a partner in 1990. Mr. Aloisio retired from Deloitte in May 2023, after contributing […]
3min 2405

EU call for proposals: €4M to reduce FOOD WASTE (Deadline 24 September)

The European Commission has published today (via its European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA) ) a call for proposals on food waste reduction. For a total budget of € 4 000 000 under the Single Market Programme, the purpose of the call is to support EU stakeholders in taking actions to address consumer food […]
1min 1638


Cafes – Food & Cuisine – Hotels – Restaurants

Coming Soon
Do you think that the Government Voucher Scheme should be re-introduced?
Do you think that the Government Voucher Scheme should be re-introduced?
Do you think that the Government Voucher Scheme should be re-introduced?


What’s On

21 March 2021 – Good France

The 6th edition of the event “Goût de France/Good France” has been postponed until spring 2021, following the measures taken to fight the COVID-19 health crisis. Though delayed, will still be the beloved opportunity for professionals of French gastronomy to share their know-how and their passion for this cuisine, as it is every year. Scheduled […]

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Mediterranean.Observer Channel

About the Mediterranean Observer

The Mediterranean Observer is a news portal dedicated to travel tourism, and hospitality in the Mediterranean region. This portal is managed by the Mediterranean Tourism Foundation, based in the Mediterranean country of Malta.

