

This past week has seen Balluta Bay turn green and power outages affecting multiple localities, directly impacting both our tourism sector and local residents. The general upkeep and cleanliness of product Malta is a continuing concern. Other areas of Product Malta have experienced significant strain, though not as acutely as the sea turning green and […]


Today, the Council approved conclusions on green diplomacy, unequivocally affirming the EU’s commitment to promote a just and inclusive green transition, and to support the implementation of global commitments in this regard, in close cooperation with partner countries worldwide through enhanced multilateralism and global action. In its conclusions, the Council reiterates the gravity of the accelerating triple planetary crisis of […]


The Malta Business Bureau organised an information session with businesses on the EU’s proposal for a revised Waste Framework Directive (WFD). The European Commission has now proposed a revision of the WFD to place a greater emphasis on the reduction and proper management of food waste and textile waste. For the first time, the new […]

Mediterranean ObserverDecember 1, 2023

As part of the ongoing efforts to promote a balanced tourism ecosystem within the EU, the Council and the European Parliament today reached a provisional agreement on a draft regulation on data collection and sharing for short-term accommodation rental services. Everybody wins with today’s deal. The new regulation creates a single and easy set of […]

Mediterranean ObserverNovember 16, 2023

As part of the ongoing efforts to promote a balanced tourism ecosystem within the EU, the Council and the European Parliament today reached a provisional agreement on a draft regulation on data collection and sharing for short-term accommodation rental services. Everybody wins with today’s deal. The new regulation creates a single and easy set of […]

Mediterranean ObserverSeptember 27, 2023

The European Commission has informed Booking Holdings (‘Booking’) of its preliminary view that its proposed acquisition of Flugo Group Holdings AB (‘eTraveli’) may allow Booking to strengthen its position on the market for hotel online travel agencies (‘OTAs’) in the European Economic Area (‘EEA’). Booking and eTraveli are both active in the provision of OTA services, respectively focusing […]

Mediterranean ObserverSeptember 18, 2023

A new survey published today confirms that skilled workers are key to the success of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Europe. The results come on the same day as the Commission presents a set of initiatives for SME relief. These initiatives aim to enable a skilled workforce for SMEs to flourish by continuing to support training actions provided by the skills […]

Mediterranean ObserverSeptember 15, 2023

Today, the European Commission has published the 2022 Annual Burden Survey, which presents the Commission’s action to simplify and modernise EU rules. It lays out the progress and concrete examples of what the Commission has achieved in the first year of fully applying the ‘one in, one out’ approach, as well as with its Regulatory Fitness […]

About the Mediterranean Observer

The Mediterranean Observer is a news portal dedicated to travel tourism, and hospitality in the Mediterranean region. This portal is managed by the Mediterranean Tourism Foundation, based in the Mediterranean country of Malta.

