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MHRA Urges Authorities to Uphold Valletta’s High-End Vision in Public Space Usage

The Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association (MHRA) urges the relevant authorities to exercise greater discretion when granting permissions for events and commercial activities in public spaces. While these activities may be legitimate, their chosen venues can sometimes clash with the overall image of the area. Valletta, the capital city of Malta, has been widely agreed […]

MHRA Acknowledges AirMalta’s Legacy and Welcomes the Dawn of KM Malta Airlines

As AirMalta bids farewell after 50 years of service, the Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association (MHRA) pays homage to its profound impact on Malta’s tourism industry and broader economy. Since its inception, AirMalta has been a cornerstone of economic growth and social progress, facilitating vital connectivity for the island nation. Tony Zahra, President of MHRA, […]

Michelle Oliver

Trip lover and our post author.


Tips & tricks from our lifestyle and styling advisors.

Revealing Insights: An In-depth Analysis of Restaurant Reservation Trends in Q3 2023

The latest findings are here! The third quarter of 2023 has yielded captivating revelations regarding restaurant reservations, shedding light on booking patterns, preferences, and the influence of digitalization. The landscape of dining out is evolving rapidly, with technology leading the way in facilitating online reservations, simplifying the process for both patrons and restaurant owners. Delving […]

We now need better not bigger | Times of Malta Talking Point

By Tony Zahra, President of Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association (MHRA) Over the past decades since the inception of tourism in Malta the narrative was based on growth. And growth we managed to achieve. Indeed, after two years of pandemic we have managed to recover, and we are set on seeing a record number of […]

John Laughlan

Stylist and fashion blogger.


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Kenny Hodgins

Basketball player and our blogger.

About the Mediterranean Observer

The Mediterranean Observer is a news portal dedicated to travel tourism, and hospitality in the Mediterranean region. This portal is managed by the Mediterranean Tourism Foundation, based in the Mediterranean country of Malta.

