Shining a light on the Socio-Economic Impacts of Tourism in the Mediterranean

New DestiMED PLUS report reviews the impacts of tourism on the socio-economic situation in six Mediterranean countries (Albania, Croatia, France, Greece, Italy and Spain) where the project pilot actions of the Interreg MED Programme project are located. The data analysis compared the socio-economic situation at the country level with the socio-economic situation of the tourism sector in each country.

Developed by the Technological Centre in Biodiversity, Ecology and Environmental and Food Technology at Universitat de Vic-Universitat Central de Catalunya (UVic-UCC) with support from IUCN Mediterranean and WWF Mediterranean, shows that the tourism sector, in various social topics, has a more negative socio-economic performance than the national average. For example, in terms of working hours, employees in the tourism sector are working between 1 and 9 hours more than the national average and in some cases the average monthly salary in the tourism sector is well below the average monthly salary in the country.

Socio-economic impacts are the social and economic consequences of an industrial activity towards the human population. They are measured through the assessment of a series of socio-economic indicators such as forced/illegal labour, working hours, gender equality, fair salary, health & safety, local capacity building, local employment, integration of sustainability in supply chains etc.

This report’s analysis used the socio-economic indicators that have been identified as part of the upgraded MEET / DestiMED PLUS Standard for Ecotourism.

Read the full report here:

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The Mediterranean Observer is a news portal dedicated to travel tourism, and hospitality in the Mediterranean region. This portal is managed by the Mediterranean Tourism Foundation, based in the Mediterranean country of Malta.


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