‘Destination Summer’ Campaign Supports Safe Reopening of European Borders

Four leading travel industry associations, – Airlines For Europe (A4E), the Airports Council International Europe (ACI Europe), the International Air Transport Association (IATA), and the European Travel Retail Confederation (ETRC) – have jointly launched “Destination Summer”, a new campaign urging European Union and national policy makers to coordinate and lift travel restrictions across Europe.

The four associations are also encouraging European citizens wanting to travel again, aviation, travel and tourism companies, their employees and partners, to join the #DestinationSummer campaign.

“This means sharing your need and desire to travel again whilst following clear rules and official information on the safe and responsible ways to do so,” the associations said in an announcement.

“Thanks to ongoing vaccination campaigns across Europe, growing scientific evidence around the efficacy of vaccines, increased testing capacities, and improvements in the epidemiological situation, the prerequisites are now in place to enable the reopening of travel and tourism in a coordinated manner that is consistent with health measures and avoids unfair discrimination between vaccinated/non-vaccinated travellers.”

The coalition is calling for a common European approach based on:

  • The restoration of freedom of movement in the EU, notably via the swift implementation of the EU Digital COVID Certificate
  • The roll-out of affordable, reliable and rapid EU testing capabilities, as needed, that allow for the end of blanket quarantines and make use of the growing availability of antigen tests
  • A push for a progressive resumption of non-essential international travel through a regular revision of the “EU White List” — and by allowing entry into the EU for travellers coming from third-countries with a good epidemiological situation, and for those inoculated with EU-authorised vaccines.

According to a recent survey by IATA, 76 percent of people want to travel to see family and friends as soon as possible.

“There is huge pent-up demand to travel again and we do not want to reopen for summer, only to be in lockdown again. Travelling responsibly means staying safe and healthy so that Europe will have a better chance of a quicker and longer-term recovery,” said Olivier Jankovec, Director General at ACI Europe.

More information on the #DestinationSummer campaign is available at www.destinationsummer.eu.

About the Mediterranean Observer

The Mediterranean Observer is a news portal dedicated to travel tourism, and hospitality in the Mediterranean region. This portal is managed by the Mediterranean Tourism Foundation, based in the Mediterranean country of Malta.

