“Booking policies and procedures critical for successful transition to new Malta airline”.
The Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association (MHRA) refers to the transition to the new airline replacing Air Malta, set to fly on 31st March 2024, exactly 50 years less 1 day from the first flight of Air Malta on the 1st April 1974.
MHRA reiterates that a national Airline is a clear must for Malta and this not only for the tourism industry, but also for manufacturing industry that exports by air, for the stretcher cases that need treatment abroad, and a myriad other sectors that are not catered for by the low cost airlines. MHRA will continue to lobby government and other authorities for a successful launch of the New Airline and to ensure as much of a seamless transition as possible.
In this regard, everyone without exception, is expected to contribute towards this success. It is therefore essential that with immediate effect flights on the new airline are open as from the 31st March and a booking system and policy is in place to cater for bookings. If there are any regulatory matters to be dealt with MHRA expects those in charge to play their part efficiently and effectively in the shortest possible time. Managing this part of the transition will require not only the joint support and involvement of all stakeholders but equally important a proper communication channel with passengers and corporate clients. Malta and the new airline must avoid any possible misunderstandings or unnecessarily doubts.
MHRA emphasis that the success of the airline, rests entirely on keeping costs down particularly those associated with aircraft leasing, fuel, and human resources. There is no room for any leeway on costs – every single cost item must be challenged for the new airline to stand a chance of surviving. Nothing must stand in the way of ensuring the viability of the new airline.
MHRA President Tony Zahra stated, “The emergence of the new national airline fosters optimism for an enhanced future within Malta’s travel and tourism industry and ensures that Malta retains its ability to decide its own destiny. It is imperative for all stakeholders, government entities, regulators, and other partners to exert their utmost efforts in safeguarding this once only opportunity to instigate innovative and operate a new airline. Malta needs everyone to contribute positively towards this success.”