EU agrees on COVID restraints amid China surge

European Union member states agreed on new COVID-19-related travel restrictions on Wednesday for passengers traveling to and from China. The agreement was made by the EU amid concerns over the growing number of cases and the easing of restrictions in China.

All passengers to and from China will be advised to wear medical masks and a negative COVID-19 test, completed no more than 48 hours before departure, will be recommended for travelers arriving in the European Union from China, the Swedish Presidency of the European Council revealed in a statement.

The recommended measures will be assessed in mid-January by the EU. The news comes shortly after the World Health Organization (WHO) raised concerns over the spread of the coronavirus in China, urging for “more regular, rapid” data, while several countries have already imposed restrictions on arrivals from China.

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The Mediterranean Observer is a news portal dedicated to travel tourism, and hospitality in the Mediterranean region. This portal is managed by the Mediterranean Tourism Foundation, based in the Mediterranean country of Malta.

