Digital Markets Act: European Commission designates as gatekeeper

The European Commission has today designated Booking Holdings, the parent company of, as a gatekeeper platform under the Digital Markets Act (DMA). now has six months to comply with all the do’s and don’ts as a gatekeeper. HOTREC strongly supports the official designation. European hoteliers are confronted with far too many unfair business practices and impairments by that have a huge impact on their performance.

Booking Holdings is still attempting to prevent hotels from offering better prices on their own distribution channels than via the platform. Moreover, Booking is not sufficiently sharing its data with hotel partners. These are just two of the many issues that should finally be resolved thanks to today’s designation of as a gatekeeper under the DMA.

Link for more information here.

About the Mediterranean Observer

The Mediterranean Observer is a news portal dedicated to travel tourism, and hospitality in the Mediterranean region. This portal is managed by the Mediterranean Tourism Foundation, based in the Mediterranean country of Malta.


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