

The European Travel Commission’s recent report, “European Tourism Trends & Prospects,” highlights ongoing growth in Europe’s tourism sector, demonstrating resilience despite economic challenges and high prices. In early 2024, Europe’s tourism saw foreign arrivals and overnight stays exceed 2019 levels by 7.2% and 6.5%, respectively, continuing the recovery from 2023. This growth is driven primarily […]


This week, several EU organisations co-signed a statement on the revision of the Package Travel Directive (PTD). The signatories represent a broad spectrum of stakeholders from the tourism supply chains including travel organisers, intermediaries, and service providers such as accommodation, attractions, and transport. The statement focuses on the ‘package’ definition and the limitation of prepayments.


Findings have just been published from a recent report conducted by the University of Surrey and the European Travel Commission, on employee skills development in the hospitality industry. Nowadays, individuals within the hospitality sector are acquiring a diverse set of transferable skills. Extensive research highlights hospitality as an enduring avenue for continuous learning and adaptable […]


As AirMalta bids farewell after 50 years of service, the Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association (MHRA) pays homage to its profound impact on Malta’s tourism industry and broader economy. Since its inception, AirMalta has been a cornerstone of economic growth and social progress, facilitating vital connectivity for the island nation. Tony Zahra, President of MHRA, […]


Today, the Council approved conclusions on green diplomacy, unequivocally affirming the EU’s commitment to promote a just and inclusive green transition, and to support the implementation of global commitments in this regard, in close cooperation with partner countries worldwide through enhanced multilateralism and global action. In its conclusions, the Council reiterates the gravity of the accelerating triple planetary crisis of […]


On 20 March 2024, the European Commission took an initiative on the quality of traineeships. The main objective is to improve working conditions for trainees, including pay, inclusiveness and quality of traineeships in the EU. The initiative consists of: The initiative consists of: a proposal for a Directive on improving and enforcing working conditions for trainees combatting regular […]

About the Mediterranean Observer

The Mediterranean Observer is a news portal dedicated to travel tourism, and hospitality in the Mediterranean region. This portal is managed by the Mediterranean Tourism Foundation, based in the Mediterranean country of Malta.

