Many of us are exploring the wonderful world of short holidays rather than longer vacations. True, exotic destinations like Bali have attracted thousands during the first half of the year, and statistics show that passenger traffic to the Indonesian paradise is set to increase.
However, studies on the other side of the globe have given light to another trend. A recent study by Malta’s Hotel and Restaurants Association has shown a 4.6% increase in tourist arrivals on the Mediterranean island during the second quarter of 2019. At the same time, bed nights have also seen a 1.4% increase of the second part of 2018, meaning the average stay per tourist is getting shorter.
The MHRA’s recent statistics also show that hotels have experienced a 2.6% decrease in bookings, yet guest nights for private accommodation has risen to almost 13%. Private accommodation has been experiencing a steady growth in the past years with more young people opting for shorter breaks in large groups. The increase in going abroad for a specific occasion (weddings, concerts, graduations) has also given a little push to licensed private accommodation around the Mediterranean.
While this has given a fair boost to private accommodation, balance must be maintained, especially seeing as managing success can be just as difficult as managing challenges in the industry.
As MHRA President Tony Zahra stated, managing success is crucial in maintaining a sustainable tourism industry in Malta and elsewhere.