….and fig season is upon us
Figs have always been one of the commonest summer fruit in Malta, so much so that we used to dry this fruit to produce the finger-licking lumpy figs (tin taċ-ċappa). Not anymore though. Especially due to a severe tree attack from an imported insect, most of our fig trees were decimated.
Did you know that the same tree first produces the Bajtar ta’ San Ġwann and then, later on in the season, the Tin? The Farkizzan is another variety altogether.
The Berry Window
This is how we can characterize these few weeks during which the strawberry season starts winding down and the mulberry season starts gifting its delicious tree berries. We start the season with ċawsli to then move on to the beloved tut- both of which are varieties of mulberries.
The rare fresh chickpeas
Only fleetingly can one find fresh local chickpeas nowadays. Chickpeas were a staple crop in Malta in times gone by but competition from imported chickpeas and its low market value meant that it lost favour with local producers. Chickpeas in Malta are generally sold in their pod on the plant (ċiċri tal-qatta)
This information was brought to you through the collaboration between Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association (MHRA) and Għaqda Bdiewa Attivi (GħBA) in promoting the local farming and encouraging more the utilization of local produce and give support the local economy. For more information or if you have any queries (also related to where you can order local products from), contact us on mhra@mhra.org.mt