Renowned magazine Global Traveler has also turned its gaze to the Mediterranean Island of Malta to grace the front cover of its September issue. Dubbed Mediteranean Magic, Blue Lagoon in Comino was the chosen shot for the magazine, clearly keen on allowing its readers to reminisce the last of the summer vibes before fall.
The publication dedicated three pages to the Mediterranean island, giving readers the perfect first impression of one of the region’s most popular destinations. The author duly introduces Malta as a “confluence of cultures [that] has weathered the storms of several occupations, but it now serves as a gateway between continents and a well-preserved museum of some of the world’s oldest civilizations”.
Valletta, Mdina, Malta’s most popular activities and attractions all feature in the three-page profile, giving readers the perfect taste of the laid-back isles, ready to welcome thousands even in the coming months.
Malta isn’t the only Mediterranean island that has grabbed the magazine’s attention. The past few weeks have also thrown a spotlight onto The Island of the Knights– Rhodes, Barcellona, Tel Aviv and Cyrpus.