MORE youngsters all over the world are answering to their inner travel and hospitality guru, and it looks like this new academic bug has arrived in Malta. The Institute of Tourism Studies has just announces a 53% increase in applications for full-time courses in comparison to 2018’s intake of new students.
Courses with the highest increase in new applicants include the Certificate in Travel and Tourism, the Higher National Diploma in Tour Guiding, and the Bachelor of Culinary Arts, which is offered in collaboration with the Institut Paul Bocuse in France.
ITS CEO Pierre Fenech said that the Institute’s fresh faces will now spread their wings and and be lead to a successful career like their predecessors. It was also noted how the ITS will continue to offer new and innovative courses, including Masters Degrees, to cater for this new-found demand.
Due to an overwhelming demand, the Institute has extended its applications deadline to the 31st August 2019.
Prospective students may apply online at ww.its.edu.mt .
(We don’t know about you……but we’ve suddenly caught the’back-to-school bug’ ourselves….or maybe that’s just the urge to pick a personal travel guru for ourselves….)