Category: Yachting & Marinas

Mediterranean ObserverFebruary 18, 2023

Free Training Course Registration Now Open The MaQuaM training programme is an ECVET certified Education/Training programme for Marina Managers with the focus on Yachting and Coastal Tourism that involves companies and institutions from Italy, Malta, Greece, and Albania. This Erasmus project is spearheaded by NAVIGO, a company for the innovation and development of yachting based […]


Greece, home to the Acropolis, the white-washed buildings of Mykonos and Santorini and the coastal beauty of Corfu, is open again for travel — and the wealthy are traveling there like never before. The Aegean nation is at the top of the Bloomberg superyacht leaderboard for the first time, with at least 194 superyachts parked […]

Mediterranean ObserverNovember 16, 2020

“MaQuaM – International Qualification on Marine and Tourism for the Mediterranean Harbours”, project funded by the Erasmus+ program, with the intention to promote the integration between boating and tourism, and the mobility of young people within Europe in the search for job opportunities and new professions in the marine industry within the countries of Italy, […]

About the Mediterranean Observer

The Mediterranean Observer is a news portal dedicated to travel tourism, and hospitality in the Mediterranean region. This portal is managed by the Mediterranean Tourism Foundation, based in the Mediterranean country of Malta.

