Greece Relaxes Covid-19 Measures for the Summer

Covid-19 vaccination or recovery certificates will no longer be required for admission to bars, restaurants, cafes and other venues in Greece starting May 1, said Health Minister Thanos Plevris on Wednesday in a follow-up to Tuesday’s announcement.

Plevris clarified that the measure was temporary and that in the coming days the use of the EU Digital Covid Certificate for admission into Greece would also be re-examined. He said relevant announcements would be made in the coming period. It is reminded that under current rules, travelers are required to present their Covid vaccination and recovery certificates to be allowed admission into the country.

Greece Covid Measures

– admission to venues will be allowed without the display of vaccination or recovery certificates as of May 1 and through to August 31, when the country’s Covid committee will reassess the epidemiological situation. The rule applies to vaccinated and un-vaccinated individuals and to both indoor and outdoor areas

– self tests for students will no longer be required starting May 1

– masks will no longer be mandatory as of June 1. The minister said there will be some exceptions to be announced shortly

– unvaccinated employees will be required to take one rapid test per week for access to their work space as of May 1

– all venues will be able to operate at full capacity (100 percent) starting on May 1

– retroactively from April 15, 100-euro fines imposed on unvaccinated seniors 60 years or older will be suspended.

Plevris reiterated that the measures were temporarily in place for the summer period and would be reexamined on September 1 based on Covid-19 developments.

Referring to the Greek Easter holiday on April 24, Plevris said the current measures apply and strongly recommended the use of face masks in crowded spaces. He added that all Orthodox services will be allowed for the first time in the two years of Covid with adherence to protocols.

In the meantime, the platform to book an appointment for the second booster shot (fourth dose of a vaccine) opens today for the 70-79 age group and on Friday, for those aged 60-69

It should be noted that the second booster is strictly optional and will not affect the validity or duration of vaccination certificates when in use.

About the Mediterranean Observer

The Mediterranean Observer is a news portal dedicated to travel tourism, and hospitality in the Mediterranean region. This portal is managed by the Mediterranean Tourism Foundation, based in the Mediterranean country of Malta.

