The Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association (MHRA) welcomes the statement made yesterday by Prime Minister Robert Abela that, ”its time to lift all COVID restrictions, leaving it up to people to choose how to safeguard their own well being.”
MHRA President Tony Zahra states that, “This is very much in line with what some of our competitor countries have already done and what we have already recommended Malta should do. Indeed, in the past two years the hospitality industry did what it was asked to do by the Health Authorities and thanks to collective efforts, Malta has managed to weather the COVID storm.”
Our vaccinations and boosters have prevented spreads of infection and it is evident that the vaccine programme has “transformed our situation” and therefore the rationale for continuing the covid protocols and related restrictions are now no longer there, he said.
Mr Zahra asserts that “MHRA members are now anxiously awaiting to see tourists returning and for Malta to start getting back to some normality. We need to see the tourist areas across Malta and Gozo thriving again. To get there however we need to be competing on a level playing field with other tourism destinations and restrictions to access must be removed immediately. It’s time to be ourselves again.”