The European Commission launched a call for evidence together with a public consultation on the review of the Slot Regulation (Council Regulation (EEC) No 95/93), which was announced in the framework of the EU’s sustainable and smart mobility strategy at the end of 2020.
With the revision, the Commission aims to ensure efficient management of airport capacity and prevent distortion of competition, guarantee efficient implementation and uniform application of the rules, align the rules with other policy priorities (e.g., decarbonisation, quality connectivity or intermodality) and make the allocation system more responsive and resilient during crises.
Policy options under consideration include the following measures, or a combination of them:
Revision of the regulatory framework
- Stricter requirements on slot use
- Introduction of market-based measures
- Imposition of reservation fees and/or penaltiesInstitutional set-up and implementation
- Measures to ensure structural and financial independence of slot coordinators, strengthening their monitoring and enforcement powers (e.g. penalties)
- Enhanced and formalized cooperation to ensure uniform application of the rulesAlignment with other Commission policies
- Integration of slot coordination with the Single European Sky
- Measures to take into account the Green Deal objectives, connectivity and competition rulesResilience
- Extension and/or clarification of instances where force majeure may or may not be granted by slot coordinators or where the slot-use threshold may be lowered
The Commission will hold a dedicated workshop to discuss policy options in late 2022 or early 2023. The proposal for a revised Regulation is expected to be presented during the third quarter of 2023.
The call for evidence and public consultation will close on 21 November 2022 and all relevant documents can be accessed here: Allocation of EU airport slots – review of rules (