SUNx Malta launches Climate Friendly Travel to Zero initiative

On World Environment Day, SUNx Malta announced its Climate Friendly Travel to Zero flagship initiative, aligned with the UN Race to Zero.

  • Beating the climate crisis is going to require achieving the 2050 target of Zero Greenhouse Gas (GHG) at the very minimum.
  • Advocating a Zero Greenhouse Gas 2050 target is directly in line with the UN Paris 1.5 goal.
  • SUNx Malta will work with companies and communities to help them develop sustainability and climate plans to achieve Absolute Zero GHG.

Based on the latest science, a 2050 target of Zero Greenhouse Gas (GHG) is the minimum ultimately needed to beat the existential Climate Crisis. By advocating a Zero GHG 2050 target it takes the direct line to the UN Paris 1.5 goal. Starting now.

However, recognizing net carbon neutral is today’s norm, within the SUNx Malta Climate Friendly Travel to Zero framework, it will work with companies and communities via its CFT Registry and through Strong Climate Champions, to help them develop Sustainability and Climate Plans that transform over time from Net Zero Carbon to Absolute Zero GHG.

Professor Geoffrey Lipman said: “Science tells us we have almost reached 1.2o towards the Paris Agreement’s targets today and are heading for 3-5o increase by 2050. That would be an existential catastrophe, with weather extremes leading to intensifying fires, floods, droughts, and climate refugees.

“At SUNx Malta, we are taking the high ground in support of science. We strongly believe that Climate Friendly Travel (CFT) – Low Carbon: SDG linked: Paris 1.5o, is the best way for Travel & Tourism to get on board the UN 2030/2050 Roadmap for a green and clean future for our kids. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres has called for all post pandemic Tourism to be sustainable and Climate Friendly. CFT will help deliver that.

About the Mediterranean Observer

The Mediterranean Observer is a news portal dedicated to travel tourism, and hospitality in the Mediterranean region. This portal is managed by the Mediterranean Tourism Foundation, based in the Mediterranean country of Malta.

