President George Vella and Ms. Vella paid an official visit to the premises of The General Soft Drinks Company Limited.
President George Vella and Ms. Vella were welcomed by the President of the Mizzi Organisation Mr. Maurice Mizzi together with the Managing Director of The General Soft Drinks Company Limited Brian Mizzi, and CEO Ms. Maria Micallef. After a brief meeting with the senior management team, The President and Ms. Vella were given a guided tour around the Company and shown the process of production, bottling, packaging, and distribution while also meeting several company employees at their workplace. President George Vella and Ms. Vella were also presented with a donation to MCCF by Mr. Maurice Mizzi.
In his address, President George Vella thanked the management and employees for their continued support to the Malta Community Chest Fund and noted with satisfaction the importance the Company gives to the environment and sustainability.
Mr. Brain Mizzi spoke about the significant contribution of our operation to the local community and the legacy of the Mizzi Family which transformed the company from being solely a soft drinks producer to a Total Beverage Company which now encompasses over 19 brands.
Ms. Maria Micallef underlined the resilience shown by the Company’s employees and the support of the shareholders during the difficult times of the pandemic which permitted the Company to retain all of its employees with full pay. She also highlighted the commitment of that the Company has towards social responsibility with an investment of over 1.6 million dollars by the Coca-Cola Foundation in the Alter Aqua program and Zero Waste Future program euros, which have left tangible lasting positive impacts in our society.