Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association (MHRA) refers to the publication of the skills card required for Third Country National’s (TCN’s) to get a work permit to work in Malta. MHRA believes that it is important that those seeking work in Malta have the necessary skills before they arrive in Malta and MHRA are supportive of this ideal, however solutions need to be well planned and sufficiently practical to avoid precipitating the existing challenges linked to labour supply shortages in the hotel and restaurant sector. This is a new reality Europe is facing with most countries registering significant staff shortages. Malta is no different.
The MHRA will be reviewing in further detail the proposed process for implementation to ensure that it will not burden the rightful recruitment of foreign workers to Malta as these are key for the survival and efficient operation of the hospitality industry, which is increasingly becoming dependent on the recruitment of expats.
MHRA will be discussing the announced modus operandi of the scheme and related costs with the relevant authorities, which is bound to further increase operational costs and make the process of recruitment more difficult than it already is. MHRA needs to also ensure that the process related to the issuing of the skills card is an efficient and expedient one.