The Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association (MHRA) welcomes the announcement made earlier today by Health Minister Chris Fearne that an “exit roadmap” to unwind existing COVID-19 health restrictions will be unveiled this coming week. MHRA asserts that hotels and restaurants are looking forward to re-opening their doors without any restrictions.
MHRA President Tony Zahra states that, “Over the course of the past two years there have been numerous false starts and deep disappointment as we returned to various lockdowns, but there is a strong belief this time is different. We will continue to work closely with the highest authorities to focus on solutions, and to bring forth the voice of the tourism and hospitality sector in a constructive manner.”
MHRA reiterates that we must learn to live with Covid, which can now be termed endemic, and solutions must be put in place for any future return possibly similar as the solutions in place for the annual flu vaccine. The tourism and hospitality industry cannot return to rolling lockdowns so Government must engage with the sector about solutions to re-establish our operations in a sustainable manner as soon as possible. As we face this return to normality, we are conscious that our hotels and restaurants will still be facing various challenges so support will be required. Indeed, MHRA has already welcomed comments by Government that current supports will have no cliff edge.
Mr Zahra affirms that, “We face tomorrow with hope and optimism that the worst is behind us, and brighter days are ahead. We must work towards a better future in ensuring that we, as a sector, never have to endure the hardship that we have experienced for the last 2 years. Staff and customer safety will continue to be paramount for us, but we are now breathing a sigh of relief as Government is recognizing the need to relieve the hospitality sector from restrictions in the shortest time possible.”