Malta | Bay Street complex completes €14m revamp

15-month projects sees new shops and restaurants

The Bay Street shopping and entertainment complex has completed a €14 million revamp which had given it a new appearance and added 28 new establishments.

The project was the biggest since Bay Street was inaugurated 20 years ago. It also features an upgraded car park for 230 vehicles and new restaurants.

Prime Minister Robert Abela toured the complex on Tuesday with Tourism Minister Clayton Bartolo.

In media comments, Abela congratulated the owners for having carried out the project during the pandemic and said it reflected confidence in the future. It also fitted into Malta’s strategy to seek excellence in its economic development.

Bay Street CEO Albert Galea said this was a joint investment by the owners of the complex and the establishments. In this way, Bay Street was being relaunched as a destination for all the family.

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The Mediterranean Observer is a news portal dedicated to travel tourism, and hospitality in the Mediterranean region. This portal is managed by the Mediterranean Tourism Foundation, based in the Mediterranean country of Malta.

