HOTREC I Legal Migration Package: One Step to Fight Labour Shortages

HOTREC welcomes the European Commission package on legal migration presented on 27 April 2022 and believes it can be part of the solution to overcome the labour shortages facing the hospitality sector.

Hotrec’s main position:

  • Hotrec fully supports the activation of the Talent Partnership and welcome the fact that the Commission intends to include the hospitality sector as part of the initiative.
  • Hotrec calls on the European Commission to include the hospitality sector in the EU Talent Pool and hope that the sector is part of the pilot project focusing on Ukraine.
  • The sector is committed to help the Ukrainian refugees be integrated into the hospitality sector labour market, if willing to. But support for the training is needed from national governments and the EU.
  • Hotrec welcomes the revision of the Long-Term Residents Directive and of the Single Permit Directive, as a way to facilitate the procedures for legal migrants to stay in Europe.
  • It is essential that the low and medium skilled people are part of the Talent Partnership, the EU Talent Pool and the legislative proposals.

HOTREC’s position paper: Legal migration package: one step to fight labour shortages – HOTREC

About the Mediterranean Observer

The Mediterranean Observer is a news portal dedicated to travel tourism, and hospitality in the Mediterranean region. This portal is managed by the Mediterranean Tourism Foundation, based in the Mediterranean country of Malta.

