EU Strategic Framework on Occupational Safety and Health | Bureau Brussels Report

The European Commission published a new EU Strategic Framework on occupational safety and health for 2021-2027. This focuses on anticipating and managing change in the new world of work; improving prevention of workplace accidents and illnesses; and increasing preparedness for any potential future health crises.

The strategy acknowledges that existing EU OSH legislation already covers many of the risks that arise from changing industries and workplaces. It is proposing some non-legislative initiatives such as guidance and tools on psychosocial and ergonomic risks and mental health at work. The Commission also directly calls on social partners to deal with some topics related to the digital labour market, particularly to find commonly agreed solutions to address the challenges raised by telework, digitalisation, and the right to disconnect, building on the European Social Partners Framework Agreement on digitalisation.

For more information: Occupational safety and health in a changing world of work – Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion – European Commission (

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