Confidence Is Key

Confidence is key

We met up with one of the most notable women in the tourism industry, Angela Attard Fenech, Director, Tumas Group, Malta, to ask her about her journey in the industry.

How long have you been in the tourism business? Was it something you always thought of pursuing?

I was raised in the tourism business as my grandfather ventured in this field in the late seventies and it was a natural course of events for me to work in this line.

Due to being a woman in your position, do you feel that you have come across more challenges than one would normally come across?

Yes definitely, because sometimes you feel that you are alone in a male-dominated world. However, In the past few years, there has been a big increase in the number of women at the decision-making level, both in Tumas Group and in the tourism industry.

To what do you feel that you owe your success to?

I acknowledge that I was lucky to have entry to the industry due to my family’s work in this sector, but I must say, that I have worked very hard, I studied and I trained as I did not take my position for granted. Nowadays I also have to prove myself to my team. I earn my team’s respect by knowing what I am doing and doing it well.

Do you wish to leave your legacy in some manner in the tourism world? If so, how would you?

I wish to inspire other women, to believe in themselves and their capabilities and to never give up. I would like to be remembered for promoting women and encouraging them into a leadership position.

In your opinion, how can women empower themselves to climb the ladder and not only feel, but actually be active team players in the world of leadership?

Women have to have self-confidence and not be ashamed of being ambitious. Women have to take the leap and take advantage of opportunities that arise, they must be ready to push themselves, in order to get off the ground. Some women hold themselves back due to their fear of the unknown. Fears of not being taken seriously, being inadequate or balancing work and family, often lead to a lack of confidence. Therefore, in my opinion, it is important to embody self -assurance, and professionalism.

What advice do you give to women out there who aim to advance in their careers but seem to find difficulties in their way?

My advice to these women is to pretend inequality does not exist. Our gender should never be an excuse to settle or not achieve our goals. Therefore work the hardest and excel at what you do. Fight for what you believe is right and have confidence in your ability to succeed despite adversity.

About the Mediterranean Observer

The Mediterranean Observer is a news portal dedicated to travel tourism, and hospitality in the Mediterranean region. This portal is managed by the Mediterranean Tourism Foundation, based in the Mediterranean country of Malta.

