Tourism industry experts and practitioners in Malta will soon announce the most recent performance study for Malta’s hospitality industry during the third quarter of 2019.
The MHRA-BOV-Deloitte performance survey will cover the Maltese Island’s busiest and most attractive season for tourists. July-September has long been Malta and Gozo’s most dynamic season for tourism and hospitality, and industry professionals are eager to once again bear the fruit of another successful season.
Malta and Gozo seem to not have to push too much to offer the best possible product. Yet today’s competitive and dynamic market demands constant improvement from the tourism and hospitality industry. Improvement brougth upon by experts analyzing every niche’s performance.
In fact, this year’s Q2 survey showed a 4.6% increase in tourist arrivals, and a 1.4% increase in bed nights when compared to 2018. All this meant that stays per visitor have become shorter, yet more frequent.
The Q3 performance survey will be announced on the 29th November at the Urban Valley Resort at 10:00am. Key indicators such as the business mix, occupancy and occupied rooms and gross operating margins are expected to be highlighted for all stakeholders to note possible improvements or changes.