New Eurostat Data: Food Waste in Europe (2022)

On 29 September, the European Commission released Eurostat data on European citizens’ food waste behaviours.

In 2022, the EU wasted an average of 132 kilograms of food per person, totaling 59.2 million tons.

Households contributed 54% of this waste, with the rest coming from the food supply chain, including 11% from restaurants and food services.

The data, based on reporting requirements from the Waste Framework Directive, indicates a slight rise from 2021, when the per capita waste was 131 kg, and the total waste was 58.4 million tons.

For more detailed information on the new food waste statistics, please read here. 

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The Mediterranean Observer is a news portal dedicated to travel tourism, and hospitality in the Mediterranean region. This portal is managed by the Mediterranean Tourism Foundation, based in the Mediterranean country of Malta.

